
The Tracker products are a suite of information management tools and network service solutions for Animal Agriculture producers, Infrastructure providers and Process control auditors.

  • Desktop and Laptop based Project management workbench and Business Intelligence toolkit;

  • Machine to Machine (M2M) infrastructure for integrating data, sensors, systems and machines to create Agriculture Premises Internet of Things (Iot);

  • Business to Business (B2B) network service for communicating market inventory, transactions and events between livestock business associates;

Tracker Product Line

Tracker Products:

  • Tracker Workbench is a project management workbench and business intelligence toolkit for premises and livestock Data Acquisition, Analysis, Reporting and Integration;

  • iRouter is a configurable network event processor and M2M infrastructure for the integration of sensors and actuators and the building of Premises based Internet of Things (IoT).

  • Tracker Cloud is a B2B network collaboration service for notification, archival, retrieval and query of premises, livestock, and certificate of veterinarian inspections;

  • Tracker Lite is an easy to use smart phone application for acquisition and retrieval of Livestock premises and animal information;