
Tracker BI Toolkit

Table 1. Tracker Business Intelligence Toolkit Version/BuildId 0.9.0.v201403192050

Tracker Business Intelligence Toolkit Version/BuildId 0.9.0.v201403192050
Download File Size OS 65.5M WIN 32bit 65.5M WIN 64bit
Tracker-linux.gtk.x86-0.9.0.v201403192050.tar 64.6M Linux 32bit
Tracker-linux.gtk.x86_64-0.9.0.v201403192050.tar 64.7M Linux 64bit

Tracker BI Toolkit is a extensible open desktop. Once installed, the end user can easily add:

  • Tracker Livestock Information Management Features

  • Tracker iRouter Sensor and Actuator Data Management Features

  • Generic Eclipse Features from Eclipse or Third Party Repositories.

To install:

  • Down load and extract compressed file to a desirable directory.

  • The top level directory is called tracker.

  • Invoke the tracker executive inside the top level tracker director.

To Provision the Toolkit with Tools:

  • From the Welcome Screen, which is the first screen presented to the user on a new install, select First Steps

  • From the First Steps Screen, select Learn How to Provision Tracker BI Toolkit and follow the guided cheat sheet.

Tracker Update Repositories

Table 2. Note: These urls are just for reference. They will be configured in your down loaded product.

Note: These urls are just for reference. They will be configured in your down loaded product.
Name URL
Tracker Updates

Tracker Example Projects

Table 3. Example Tracker Projects

Example Tracker Projects
Download File Size 10.7 KB  

To install:

  • Down load file to a desirable directory.

  • From the File menu select Import...

  • Then select General | Existing Projects into Workspace.

Tracker Device Simulator

Table 4. Tool for simulating physical sensor and actuator devices

Tool for simulating physical sensor and actuator devices
Download File Size OS 6.1 MB WIN 32 bit 3.8 MB WIN 64 bit 6.5 MB Linux 32 bit 3.8 MB Linux 64 bit

To install:

  • Down load and extract compressed file to a desirable directory.

  • The top level directory is called simulator.

  • Invoke the simulator executive inside the top level tracker director.